Australian Law Students’ Association Conference 2017: A Recap

Conor Tarpey This year’s Australian Law Student’s Association (ALSA) 2017 Conference took place from the 3rd to the 8th of July in sunny Canberra. ALSA is the peak representative body of law students and comprises all Law Student Societies and…

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Comment: Postal Survey

Rebecca Schneider It has been 13 years since the Howard government changed the Marriage Act to explicitly disallow same-sex marriage, and this postal survey might be the way Australia finally changes the Act again. If the overall result is yes,…

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First Year Section

The First Year Officers What I’d wish I’d known... We asked older law students to think back to what they wish they had known from First year. Thank you to all the students who shared their wisdom with us! How…

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Immigration Changes: Supplanting or Supplementing Australian Jobs?

Ashish Nagesh It is easy to turn our mind to why the 457 visa was created in the first place. To fill skill shortages in the Australian workforce. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton recently announced several…

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s 18C

Posted on September 24, 2017 Under All 1 Comment

Anonymous Amid the debate over 18C and 18D, many Australians have advocated for self censorship around questions of religious and cultural sensitivity. eir position is that the criticism, satirizing or de- piction of things deemed ‘special’ to certain community groups…

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