LSS Bans Tickets

Posted on October 24, 2016 Under All 2 Comments

Dan Trevanion LSS President 2016 The ANU LSS is conscious of the progressive use of tickets in its elections over the past 3 years. The existing electoral by-laws of the Society did not adequately address the use of tickets and…

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Crazy for CoL: meet your 2017 ANUSA candidates

The ANUSA College of Law representatives, like all fac reps, sit on the College Representative Council. Perhaps more importantly, they sit on the LLB (hons) Committee, a committee specifically about the undergraduate program and course changes, and the Law College…

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Why Are We So Scared of Men Being Pregnant?: The need to destroy the gender binary and norms entrenched in Australian society

Posted on June 20, 2016 Under All, Opinion 0 Comments

Kirsty Dale “Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire, but a human desire” – as Thomas Beatie, a prominent transgender man, put it. We typically see pregnancy as an exclusively female act, but male…

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Chaos in the International Legal Order: The ICJ Strikes Again

Posted on June 20, 2016 Under All 1 Comment

Claire Rapson For those of you who spent International Law asleep, on Facebook or too unnerved by Hitoshi’s relentless bounding around Coombs to pay attention to what he was actually saying, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the BNOC…

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97 Lonely Nurses Want Boyfriends

Posted on June 20, 2016 Under All 0 Comments

Elizabeth Harris ‘Your hair looks cool today’ – That guy in your Monday tutorial. Very acceptable. ‘I like your dress’ – Tinder guy. Far subtler than ‘DTF?’. ‘You slay me’ – The cashier at Ikea. 10/10. You never forget your…

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