The unknown victims of trafficking

Posted on September 23, 2018 Under All 1 Comment

By Annika Reynolds When you picture the ‘typical’ victim of trafficking, who comes to mind? The average Australian looks at her and sees someone of Middle Eastern descent. They see a woman that has been smuggled into the country by…

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Legislation LOLs

Here at ANU Law, we hear a lot of talk about law reform. From anachronistic laws with impenetrable drafting, double negatives and sentences running for paragraphs, to provisions which offend our modern sensibilities and sense of social justice, there is…

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The Notorious RBG

By Suchara Fernando At the beginning of this semester, I saw the documentary RBG which traces the life and career of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and was instantly inspired and motivated. In fact, I was so enthused with the film…

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Asking ‘What are we?’: Looking at WorkPac v Skene

By Janine Wan So, they’re giving you mixed signals – they said they weren’t looking for anything serious, but their actions seem to be saying otherwise. It seems like it might be time to have that ‘what are we’ talk…

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Happy Birthday Mystic Marge

Mystic Marge is a Virgo... can you tell? Read on for everything you need to know about your mid-sem break.

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