Mystic Margarine’s Horoscopes

Posted on March 25, 2018 Under All 0 Comments

Is Mystic Marge ('Margarine' to you, thank-you very much) a myth? A legend? Even a law student? Who can say. But what we know for sure is that Mystic Marge can read the stars. With total accuracy.

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A Summer with Aurora

Posted on March 22, 2018 Under All 1 Comment

By Phillip Matthews During the summer before my final year of law school, I had the great fortune of undertaking an Aurora internship with the North Queensland Land Council (NQLC), a Native Title Representative Body (NTRB). I had applied for…

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Law Library Libel

Posted on March 22, 2018 Under All 2 Comments

"Yeah, I think I'll go into DFAT when I graduate. That, or the AG's Department." - Every law student ever #lawlibrarylibel #overheardatanucol #anulaw #peppercorn #peprkorn2k18#anucollegeoflaw #lawlyf #lawstudentego

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A Longer Walk to Freedom

Posted on March 20, 2018 Under All 0 Comments

By Wesley Mollentze Following the statement by the Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, many have questioned his motivations in instructing his office to investigate helping at-risk white South African farmers. Bill Shorten quickly (and naively) deemed this act ‘racist’. However,…

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Reselling Afghanistan

Posted on March 18, 2018 Under All 0 Comments

By Anonymous It’s time to resell, not withdraw, from the war in Afghanistan. The United States and its NATO partners have been in Afghanistan for some 17 years. They originally fought with the Northern Alliance to liberate the country from…

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