Six Top Tips for Getting the Tutorial of Your Dreams!

Posted on August 13, 2018 Under All 3 Comments

By Lauren Skinner Law school is never quite as vicious as in those first few moments tutorial sign-ups open. Within mere milliseconds, all the good tutes are taken, and you are left feeling hollow, defeated and hungover as all hell…

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Winter course no-brainers that you actually have to think about

Posted on August 8, 2018 Under All 2 Comments

By Soph Xian Whether it be because an elective is only offered in the break, because you’ve been peer pressured by your friends, or simply because it’s been five interminable years and you need to graduate, winter courses may be…

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Four things I wish I had known as a ‘Dear Applicant’

Posted on August 6, 2018 Under All 0 Comments

By Naveena Movva Gather round my young ones and listen to a tale as old as time (or at least as long as an LLB takes to complete – same difference). Many of you will soon begin the perilous journey…

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ALSA competitions review

Posted on August 3, 2018 Under All 1 Comment

By Victoria Hoon While Council sessions were in full swing, the ALSA competitions were taking place and saw the finalists of the internal competitions run by the various university law societies compete against each other.  As our Competitions Vice-President for…

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ALSA Council round-up

Posted on August 2, 2018 Under All 0 Comments

By Suchara Fernando and Lauren Skinner The Australian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) is the peak representative body for law students and represents the interests of approximately 40,000 students nationwide. The annual ALSA Conference sees 400 of these students come together…

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